Situated in Point Cook, Victoria, Australia since 2021.
Just down the road from RAAF Williams, the birthplace of the Royal Australian Air Force and the oldest continually operating military airfield in the world.
One learns a bit about the universe in the process of taking pretty pictures of it.
Celestron EdgeHD 8
SkyWatcher Esprit 120ED
William Optics Zenithstar 81
Lunt 50mm Solar scope
SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro Equatorial mount
ZWO ASI2600MM monochromatic camera
ZWO ASI585MC colour planetary camera
Player One Saturn-M SQR monochromatic solar & planetary camera
ZWO OAG-L off-axis guider with ZWO ASI174MM guide camera
ZWO 36mm filter wheel
Antlia LRGB filters
Antlia 3nm Narrowband filters
Primaluce Labs Sesto Senso II focuser (Esprit 120ED)
PrimaLuce Labs Esatto 2" LP focuser (EdgeHD 8)
ZWO EAF focuser (Zenithstar 81)
Software: Acquisition Computer:
NINA Mele Quieter 4C (16Gb)
PixInsight Proccesssing Computer:
SharpCap A big, fast one with a fancy GPU
Point Cook Observatory